
Hydrosthetic (Water)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi is one with a large mass of water, which it can control telepathically and even incorporate into part of its body. A mass of living water may replace any part of the tsukimi, up to ⅓ of it’s body, for example, it could replace a leg, the fluffy parts, the horns, etc.

Optional: Extra orbs of water may float around the Tsukimi or wrap around it’s body.

Mermaid (Water)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi has fins, gills or other adaptations that allow it to thrive underwater.

Optional: Parts of the tsukimi may appear slick and shiny, or as if wet or dripping water. The tsukimi's tail may become a fin or mermaid-like appendage.

Mucoid (Water)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi secretes a thick, viscous substance that may ooze from anywhere on its body and pool on the ground beneath it. This substance renders the tsukimi immune to toxins, and has healing properties. It may be any color, translucent or opaque.

Flow (Water)

Category: Enchantments

The fluffy and or tail area turns into a flowing stream of water, like a river or waterfall. This stream of water may snake into the air, fall to the ground, dissipate into mist, etc. May contain small fish.

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