
Flametail (Fire)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has a tail that is made of fire. At least the tip should be fire, and this may be realistic or stylized.

Optional: Other parts of the tsukimi’s fluffy areas may have small patches of flame. Boney areas may be affected somehow, appearing molten, charred, or otherwise fire related or affected.

Kindling (Fire)

Category: Enchantments

The Tsukimi’s bioluminescent areas appear to be small flames.

Optional: Flames may gather around the claws and horns also. The tsukimi can breath fire and flame may be spilling from her mouth.

Unburnt (Fire)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has metallic scales or fur that are resistant to fire and glow brilliantly, especially when exposed to fire. The scales my cover the entire body, or appear in patches over the tsukimi.

Firefly (Fire)

Category: Enchantments

Creates unique glowing markings on the creature; and/or causes one or more other markings on the creature to have a soft glow. 

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