
Triple Horn

Triple Horn (Mythic)

Category: Horns

This adds two horns of any type to the creature's head, and a third, central horn somewhere between the creature's muzzle and forehead.

Rhino Horn

Rhino Horn (Mythic)

Category: Horns

Adds a single horn to the muzzle/nose area of the creature.

Elven Ears

Elven Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These long, pointed ears resemble those of elves. On furred creatures, they may be covered in short, velvety fur, and have a small bit of inner ear fluff.

Dragon Ears

Dragon Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These ears are similar to the spiky, membrane like adornments of dragons, or the spiked fin tails of betta fish,

Stone Ears

Stone Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These strange ears appear as stalagmites or small crystal formations.

Butterfly Ears

Butterfly Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These ears resemble the wings of a butterfly, and may use colors outside of the creatures base coat or color palette.

Wisp Ears

Wisp Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

Feathers (Mythic)

Category: Hide

The creature is covered in feathers.

Twin Tail

Twin Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail
Long Tufted Tail

Long Tufted Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail

This tail is esecially long compared to other tails. It can range from 3 to 5 times the body length of the creature and has a longer tuft of fur on the end.

37 results found.