
Puff Ears

Puff Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Papillon Ears

Papillon Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

These very fluffy, fan like ears resemble those of the adorable papillon dog breed.

Lapine Ears

Lapine Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Long, upright ears, similar to a rabbit.

Lynx Ears

Lynx Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Similar to the fluffy, tufted ears of a lynx.

Fennec Ears

Fennec Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Large ears with fuzzy interiors, these resemble the ears of fennec foxes.

Afghan Ears

Afghan Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

These ears have long, silken locks that hang down and frame the face. The hair/fur on these ears may be styled but should still be recognizeable and present on the design.


Scales (Rare)

Category: Hide

The creature's body is covered in scales. The scales don't need to be individually depicted, show as much or as little detail as you prefer.

Uneven Fins

Uneven Fins (Rare)

Category: Fins
Leo Tail

Leo Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Afghan Tail

Afghan Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Wedge Tail

Wedge Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
46 results found.