
Luminous (Legendary)

Category: Legendary Traits

Luminous is a very rare trait that has a 1/500 chance to occur in any breeding. It causes a shift in the color palettes of the creature and allows for intense glowing and sparkling aura to surround the creature.

Tenebrous (Legendary)

Category: Legendary Traits

Tenebrous is a very rare trait that has a small chance to occur in any breeding. It causes a gloomy shift to the character's color palette and for a dark, obscuring aura to surround the creature. 

Chibi (Legendary)

Category: Legendary Traits

Chibi allows the character to have either as it's primary or alternate form a cute, small, tiny, snuggly, adorable form of loveable sweetness.

Chibi may rarely occur spontaneously through breeding, or acquired through the chibi prompt storyline.

One Winged Angel (Legendary)

Category: Legendary Traits

Grants a single wing to the creature.

For creatures that have wings or body wings already, this decreases their total wings to one.

Primordial (Legendary)

Category: Legendary Traits

Primordial is the special species trait naturally found on dragons of the prehistoric subtype. Creatures with the primordial trait type may exhibit features of any extinct prehistoric species, such as the crests and sails found on certain dinosaurs, different body morphologies, tail adornments and other features.

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