
Corruption (Death)

Category: Enchantments

The creature's body appears to be wracked with some kind of sores, infection or parasite. Of course, these are not actually harmful, and are simply a manifestation of magical energies. 

Optional: A limb or part of the tsukimi, such as the horns, claws, tail, etc., may appear smaller, twisted, or otherwise affected by some kind of corruption.

Stitching (Death)

Category: Enchantments

The creature appears to be stitched together in places or in it's entirety. 

Plushie (Death)

Category: Enchantments

The creature as a whole or just in certain parts may appear to be made from fabrics, buttons, and other craft parts, including stuffing.

Can be combined with stitching for a ragdoll affect.

Minor Skeleton (Death)

Category: Enchantments

Minor Skeleton allows up to 1/3rd of the creature to be skeletal. You may draw this yourself, or a skeleton base is included in the template for each creature.

Note: Can be combined with Major Skeleton for a fully skeletal creature.

Major Skeleton (Death)

Category: Enchantments

Allows up to 2/3rds of the creature to be skeletal. You may draw it yourself, or a skeleton base is included in the template for each creature.

Note: May be combined with Major Skeleton for a fully skeletal creature.

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