
Tentacles (Life)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi has tentacles sprouting from anywhere on the body.

Optional: The ends of limbs may explode into a mass of tentacles. The tail or horns may become tentacles.

Multiplier (Life)

Category: Enchantments

The creature has up to 3 sets of additional mouths, eyes, ears or horns that may appear anywhere on the body. (Not to be confused with dicephalic or triphelic, which create extra heads)

Dicephalic - Different (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Causes the creature to have an extra head next to the original one. This head may have any features of the original head's rarity or lower (faceplate, horns, and ears). 

Centipede (Life)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has up to 2 additional sets of limbs that may appear anywhere on the body (4 total limbs).

Multitail (Life)

Category: Enchantments

The animal may have up to 3 extra tails beyond what is normally allowed for that creature.

For example: Kitsumi gain an additional tail per level, up to 10 total tails. This trait would let a level 10 kitsumi have 13 tails, or a Tsukimi have 4 total tails.

Dicephalic - Identical (Life)

Category: Enchantments
Species: Tsukimi

Gives the creature two heads, both of them with identical traits.

Mutarcanum (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Mutarcanum is a potent magical enchantment that infuses the creatures of Ember with the ability to undergo transmorphic adaptation. This enchantment is deeply rooted in the ancient arcane energies that flow through Ember, allowing for selective and controlled mutations of physical attributes.

Mutarcanum effects one part of the body, and may be symmetrical or asymmetrical. For example, it could effect both front limbs, or just one. The affected body part mutates into an altered shape, which could range from faerie wings with intricate and irregular shapes, to a bulging, monster-like limb, or even a horn that is twisted differently. The new form retains the essence of the original feature but is enhanced, twisted or somehow irregular in appearance.

Bone Lord (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Bone Lord causes extra bones to manifest around the creature. These can protrude directly from the body or be suspended around the creature in some way. Not to be confused with minor or major skeleton, which exposes the base skeleton, bone lord adds additional bones outside of the regular skeleton.

Third Eye (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Adds one additional eye to the creature.

9 results found.