
Comet (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi is followed by a glittering trail of flowing ice and dust just like a comet.

Optional: Small comets may stream around or orbit the tsukimi.

Fusion (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi, or parts of it, glow with the intensity of a brightly burning star. 

Optional: This may affect markings to have an incredible, sun-like radiance.

Stargazer (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

 An effect resembling the night sky covers all or chosen parts of the tsukimi. Any celestial phenomena may be pictured such as nebula, galaxies, planets, etc.. This effect may overlay markings, allowing them to show through, or allow markings to go over it.

Optional: The pupils become star shaped.

Glitter (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The creature is surrounded and/or followed by a trail of sparkling, star like glitter.

Clockwork (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

Creates gears, springs and other clockwork components on the creature's body. There may be neatly cut-away or transparent areas showing a clockwork interior within. May also show clock faces, pendulums or other clockwork elements not mentioned here.

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