
Eclipse (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has features that mimic the characteristics of any eclipse , lunar or solar.

Optional: Markings may be transformed into moon symbols, phases, or related shapes. The Tsukimi may be surrounded by a corona-like effect.

Halo (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has glowing halos that encircle parts of their body. These may appear over or behind different body parts, and may be different colors.

Optional: Halo may interact with other mutations to affect the composition of the halos. Flametail might make halos of flame, Facet may create crystal halos, etc.

Spectral Form (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has a coat, skin, scale, or other body part that is translucent and glows in a dim, ghostly hue. The tsukimi may simply have a faint glowing outline or more pronounced spectral features.

Guiding Moon (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The creature is followed at all times by a small glowing moon. It can be 'turned off' when concealment is needed, but otherwise floats harmlessly around them, going through it's own miniature lunar cycle as the days pass.

Optional: The creature may have glowing, moon shaped symbols anywhere on its body.

Lunar Tresses (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The creature's fluffy areas are turned into a wispy, smoke-like substance that is glowy and translucent and flows around them as if carried on a soft breeze.

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