
Ossia (Standard)

Category: Faceplate

Characters who carry the faceplate trait always have a non-removable faceplate instead of the normal face of their species. Faceplates should be skull-like, made of bone, and although the jaw can move up and down for chewing, there is otherwise no movement of the faceplate for facial expressions. The Tsukimi template has several faceplates that you can use on any character. You can also use animal or reptile skulls for reference or make up your own!

An important note about faceplates is that the eye sockets are black voids, and the eye itself is missing, replaced by a small, glowing orb of aether that functions as an eye.

Tsuki Ears

Tsuki Ears (Standard)

Category: Ears

These fluffy, upward pointing ears resemble those of a wolf.

Feline Ears

Feline Ears (Standard)

Category: Ears

Normal cat ears.

Tsuki Fluffy

Tsuki Fluffy (Standard)

Category: Fluffy

This is the standard variation of Tsukimi fluffy. It may be in a long or short variety. The short variety only applies to the top & back of head, and down to the back, without wrapping around the front. Either type is allowed. The fur is dense and fluffy, but not as long & puffy as the "fluffy" fluffy.

Glider Wings (Standard)

Category: Wings

The standard wings of the Nekomi.

Faerie Wings

Faerie Wings (Standard)

Category: Wings

These wings can have significant variation in shape, but follow a general pattern of a distinct upper and lower wing, similar to a butterfly. The difference being, that these wings are translucent and may have a faint glow.


Underbelly (Standard)

Category: Markings

The underbelly marking creates a lighter coloration on the underside of the creature.


Nettle (Standard)

Category: Markings

The animal has thin, short stripes that taper quickly to a sharp point; may be along the spine, shoulders, legs, ears and tail. Stripes should be darker than the face coat and cover at least two limbs.


Stockings (Standard)

Category: Markings

Stockings colors the limbs of the creature from the toes up to the shoulder/hip area. At a minimum, 2 limbs must be affected, and the marking must go at least "half way" up the limb (to the knee/shoulder area). At a maximum, all limbs may be affected to the shoulder/hip.

Stockings may have a hard or soft edge.


Ringtail (Standard)

Category: Markings

Ringtail adds markings similar to the ringtail cat to the creature. It adds darker and/or lighter banding to the tail, and light or white circles around the eyes bordered by a darker color. It may layer under or over other markings.

Edge: Hard

Pisces (Standard)

Category: Legendary Traits

Pisces is a species trait native to aquatic dragons. This trait allows any fin traits on the creature to be multiplied and place anywhere on the body. It also allows the creature to have gils, webbed feet, and other aquatic adaptations not normally found in their species. The creature may display any traits or features found on sea creatures, such as the glowing filament of the anglerfish or the distinctive external gils of an axolotl.

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