
Nimbus (Air)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi is surrounded by mist, fog, clouds, rain, lightning or other weather phenomenon.

Soundscape (Air)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi’s horns, or perhaps another body part, is transformed into a vector for music. Music the tsukimi creates is visible as glowing, undulating waves, notes, and other effects that create a colorful aura around the tsukimi.

Optional: It’s ears may be larger than others. It may have other adaptations that allow it to manipulate, capture or create sound or music.

Electric (Air)

Category: Enchantments

Electricity crackles around the creature and over the surface of its body. It may arc between horns or other body parts. The tips of horns, claws, tail, etc may glow with a blue, white or yellow electric glow.

Plasma Ball (Air)

Category: Enchantments

A part of the creature appears to be made of of glass or another translucent substance, and purplish-blue plasma arcs and writhes within, much like a plasma ball. 

Facet (Earth)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi has shiny,  crystals or gemstones somehow incorporated into it's body. These may be crystalline growths, replace entire limbs, or appear as veins weaving through the animal, etc.

Optional: The boney areas may be changed to the color/texture of the crystals/gems.

Floraveil (Earth)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi grows plants and/or flowers all over it's body. These can be from any environment, but should be plants and not fungi or other organisms. Some possible examples could be:

  • desert area - cacti
  • meadow - wildflowers, grasses
  • shoreline - coral, seaweed
  • swamp - cat tails

Leshy (Earth)

Category: Enchantments

Roots and leafy tree limbs grow from the tsukimi, and may cover most of the body.

Optional: Gnarled limbs or roots may replace the limbs, horns, etc.

Corruption (Death)

Category: Enchantments

The creature's body appears to be wracked with some kind of sores, infection or parasite. Of course, these are not actually harmful, and are simply a manifestation of magical energies. 

Optional: A limb or part of the tsukimi, such as the horns, claws, tail, etc., may appear smaller, twisted, or otherwise affected by some kind of corruption.

Stitching (Death)

Category: Enchantments

The creature appears to be stitched together in places or in it's entirety. 

Plushie (Death)

Category: Enchantments

The creature as a whole or just in certain parts may appear to be made from fabrics, buttons, and other craft parts, including stuffing.

Can be combined with stitching for a ragdoll affect.

Minor Skeleton (Death)

Category: Enchantments

Minor Skeleton allows up to 1/3rd of the creature to be skeletal. You may draw this yourself, or a skeleton base is included in the template for each creature.

Note: Can be combined with Major Skeleton for a fully skeletal creature.

Major Skeleton (Death)

Category: Enchantments

Allows up to 2/3rds of the creature to be skeletal. You may draw it yourself, or a skeleton base is included in the template for each creature.

Note: May be combined with Major Skeleton for a fully skeletal creature.

Eclipse (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has features that mimic the characteristics of any eclipse , lunar or solar.

Optional: Markings may be transformed into moon symbols, phases, or related shapes. The Tsukimi may be surrounded by a corona-like effect.

Halo (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has glowing halos that encircle parts of their body. These may appear over or behind different body parts, and may be different colors.

Optional: Halo may interact with other mutations to affect the composition of the halos. Flametail might make halos of flame, Facet may create crystal halos, etc.

Spectral Form (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The animal has a coat, skin, scale, or other body part that is translucent and glows in a dim, ghostly hue. The tsukimi may simply have a faint glowing outline or more pronounced spectral features.

Guiding Moon (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The creature is followed at all times by a small glowing moon. It can be 'turned off' when concealment is needed, but otherwise floats harmlessly around them, going through it's own miniature lunar cycle as the days pass.

Optional: The creature may have glowing, moon shaped symbols anywhere on its body.

Lunar Tresses (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The creature's fluffy areas are turned into a wispy, smoke-like substance that is glowy and translucent and flows around them as if carried on a soft breeze.

Comet (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi is followed by a glittering trail of flowing ice and dust just like a comet.

Optional: Small comets may stream around or orbit the tsukimi.

Fusion (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi, or parts of it, glow with the intensity of a brightly burning star. 

Optional: This may affect markings to have an incredible, sun-like radiance.

Stargazer (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

 An effect resembling the night sky covers all or chosen parts of the tsukimi. Any celestial phenomena may be pictured such as nebula, galaxies, planets, etc.. This effect may overlay markings, allowing them to show through, or allow markings to go over it.

Optional: The pupils become star shaped.

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