

Piebald (Rare)

Category: Markings

Has large patches of white that layers on top of other markings and coat colors.


Colorpoints (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Colorpoints, in most creatures, makes the limbs, tail and other places appear darker than the base coat. The genetics in this marking are interesting and linked to temperature.


Rainbow (Aetherial)

Category: Markings

The rainbow marking is a magical marking that creates a rainbow across the creature.


Roan (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

The animal has a base coat of one color and hairs of another color mixed in evenly. The hairs can be white, black, or any other color. The roan effect can be on any part of the body with fur. It can cover the whole body or be restricted to one area, such as the back, sides, flank, etc.


Rosettes (Mythic)

Category: Markings

The animal has two-toned spots that can range in size and consist of a darker color bordering a lighter tone of that color. The darker color may border the spot completely if desired.


Snowflake (Rare)

Category: Markings

The snowflake marking is named for it's close resemblance to the weather effect of the same name, and has a high amount of variability. The magical snow spots may look like highly detailed snowflakes, or as soft white spots.


Spotted (Rare)

Category: Markings

The animal has small, round spots of a different color than the base coat. The spots can be on any part of the body including the faceplate, but do not affect neck fluff.

  • Maximum: May cover the entire body, including horns, claws & faceplate, but not the fluffy areas.
  • Minimum: A single small patch of 7-9 spots.
  • Edge: Hard

Stars (Aetherial)

Category: Markings

The stars marking is named for the dazzling, night sky-like effect it creates on creatures. Star markings have a faint glow, which sets them apart from other markings with may appear similar depending on the coloration.


Stripes (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

The animal has thin, vertical stripes of a different color than the base coat.


Swirl (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Swirl is  a magical marking that creates swirly, twirly markings on the creature. These can have a more natural appearance, or be highly stylized spirals and curling patterns.


Merle (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

The animal has a base coat of one color, and a large, single patch of lighter color over the back and may extend up the neck and down the legs. This lighter patch may have some splashes of a darker color if desired.


Leyline (Seasonal)

Category: Markings

Leyline creates a glowing line that may extend from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. The line may travel down the sides of the creature or along the spine. It may extend down the front of the limbs as well. The line should be mostly straight/follow the intended path, but can be stylized in different ways, such as with patterns, vines, or other decorative elements.

  • Minimum - A single glowing line just extending down the torso of the creature.
  • Maximum - A glowing line, with fancy adornments or decorative elements, that extends from the nose to tailtip and down the front of each limb.

Tabby (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Tabby is a very common marking that creates irregular stripes on the creature in a color that is darker or lighter version of the base coat. Depending on the colors chosen, this marking can be very subtle and difficult to see.

Bleached Bones

Bleached Bones (Rare)

Category: Markings

Bleached bones adds bone or skeleton like markings to the creature. For any creatures with exposed "boney" parts, like horns, claws or faceplates, these areas may become white or off-white or have a white overlay. The bone/skeleton markings may be white, tinted whites, or any colors from the palette being used.


Underbelly (Standard)

Category: Markings

The underbelly marking creates a lighter coloration on the underside of the creature.

White Spotting

White Spotting (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

This marking creates patches of white on the creature that layer over all other markings. It can cover from 5%-30% of the creature in a white patch or spots.


Smoke (Rare)

Category: Markings

Smoke is a soft marking that may add a lighter color over the base coat. It may also interact with other markings that normally have a hard edge to give them a soft edge.


Socks (Rare)

Category: Markings

Socks change's the paw color to a different color than the base coat, but still part of the creature's palette. The color may be darker or lighter and may have a soft or hard edge.


Stockings (Standard)

Category: Markings

Stockings colors the limbs of the creature from the toes up to the shoulder/hip area. At a minimum, 2 limbs must be affected, and the marking must go at least "half way" up the limb (to the knee/shoulder area). At a maximum, all limbs may be affected to the shoulder/hip.

Stockings may have a hard or soft edge.


Blanket (Rare)

Category: Markings
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