
Hyena Ears

Hyena Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

Ears that resemble a hyena's, somewhat rounded and fluffy.

Lapine Ears

Lapine Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Long, upright ears, similar to a rabbit.

Puppy Ears

Puppy Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

Small to medium sized floppy ears, like a puppy. Sometimes, one ear may stick up.

Dragon Ears

Dragon Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These ears are similar to the spiky, membrane like adornments of dragons, or the spiked fin tails of betta fish,

Feline Ears

Feline Ears (Standard)

Category: Ears

Normal cat ears.

Lynx Ears

Lynx Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Similar to the fluffy, tufted ears of a lynx.

Lop Ears

Lop Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

Long ears that hand downward, like a lop-eared bunny.

Stone Ears

Stone Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These strange ears appear as stalagmites or small crystal formations.

Butterfly Ears

Butterfly Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These ears resemble the wings of a butterfly, and may use colors outside of the creatures base coat or color palette.

Fennec Ears

Fennec Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Large ears with fuzzy interiors, these resemble the ears of fennec foxes.

Wing Ears

Wing Ears (Aetherial)

Category: Ears

These ears look and can move like small feathered wings,

Afghan Ears

Afghan Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

These ears have long, silken locks that hang down and frame the face. The hair/fur on these ears may be styled but should still be recognizeable and present on the design.

Equine Ears

Equine Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

These ears resemble those of horses.

Papillon Ears

Papillon Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

These very fluffy, fan like ears resemble those of the adorable papillon dog breed.

Tsuki Ears

Tsuki Ears (Standard)

Category: Ears

These fluffy, upward pointing ears resemble those of a wolf.

Plume Ears

Plume Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

These long, upright ears are named for the ornamental, plume like tuft of fur on the ends.

Elven Ears

Elven Ears (Mythic)

Category: Ears

These long, pointed ears resemble those of elves. On furred creatures, they may be covered in short, velvety fur, and have a small bit of inner ear fluff.

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