
Golem (Earth)

Category: Enchantments

Parts of the creature appear to be made of mud or stone. May have glowing areas between the joints or parts of stone. The material may be more rough and natural, or polished and sculpted.

Third Eye (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Adds one additional eye to the creature.

Spikes (Earth)

Category: Enchantments

Adds spikes anywhere on the creatures body. At a minimum there should be 4-5 spikes, at a maximum the creature could become porcupine-like.

Stained Glass (Seasonal)

Category: Enchantments

Adds a stained glass effect to part of the creature, like the horns or wings.

Mutarcanum (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Mutarcanum is a potent magical enchantment that infuses the creatures of Ember with the ability to undergo transmorphic adaptation. This enchantment is deeply rooted in the ancient arcane energies that flow through Ember, allowing for selective and controlled mutations of physical attributes.

Mutarcanum effects one part of the body, and may be symmetrical or asymmetrical. For example, it could effect both front limbs, or just one. The affected body part mutates into an altered shape, which could range from faerie wings with intricate and irregular shapes, to a bulging, monster-like limb, or even a horn that is twisted differently. The new form retains the essence of the original feature but is enhanced, twisted or somehow irregular in appearance.

Evergreen (Seasonal)

Category: Enchantments

Evergreen is an enchantment that adds evergreen boughs and branches, or even whole trees to the creature. The evergreen elements may take the for of wreaths, garlands, or anything. May leave a trail of pineneedles. May display other natural evergreen features, such as pinecones, other seeds, berry, or even nests.

Bone Lord (Life)

Category: Enchantments

Bone Lord causes extra bones to manifest around the creature. These can protrude directly from the body or be suspended around the creature in some way. Not to be confused with minor or major skeleton, which exposes the base skeleton, bone lord adds additional bones outside of the regular skeleton.

Snow Globe (Seasonal)

Category: Enchantments

Changes part of the creatures body to transparent, or to glass, with a small scene or simply falling snow inside. The transparent part may be simple and just be a transparent cutout of the body, or could have a shiny glass texture and noticeably rounded exterior.

Wind-Up Toy (Seasonal)

Category: Enchantments

Gives the creature a key-like mechanism on their back, similar to what is found on an old-fashioned wind-up toy. Optionally, may add other common outward features of these toys, such as bright colors or patterns not found it the palette or a shiny plastic exterior.

Dicephalic - Identical (Life)

Category: Enchantments
Species: Tsukimi

Gives the creature two heads, both of them with identical traits.

Slinky (Seasonal)

Category: Enchantments

Changes a segment of the creatures body into a slinky, or connects two parts of the body with a slinky. May use any colors or textures. Could affect any part of the creature, including horns etc. Can be multiple slinkies if desired.

Starfall Festival Enchantment

Flow (Water)

Category: Enchantments

The fluffy and or tail area turns into a flowing stream of water, like a river or waterfall. This stream of water may snake into the air, fall to the ground, dissipate into mist, etc. May contain small fish.

Clockwork (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

Creates gears, springs and other clockwork components on the creature's body. There may be neatly cut-away or transparent areas showing a clockwork interior within. May also show clock faces, pendulums or other clockwork elements not mentioned here.

Glitter (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The creature is surrounded and/or followed by a trail of sparkling, star like glitter.

Stargazer (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

 An effect resembling the night sky covers all or chosen parts of the tsukimi. Any celestial phenomena may be pictured such as nebula, galaxies, planets, etc.. This effect may overlay markings, allowing them to show through, or allow markings to go over it.

Optional: The pupils become star shaped.

Fusion (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi, or parts of it, glow with the intensity of a brightly burning star. 

Optional: This may affect markings to have an incredible, sun-like radiance.

Comet (Cosmic)

Category: Enchantments

The tsukimi is followed by a glittering trail of flowing ice and dust just like a comet.

Optional: Small comets may stream around or orbit the tsukimi.

Lunar Tresses (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The creature's fluffy areas are turned into a wispy, smoke-like substance that is glowy and translucent and flows around them as if carried on a soft breeze.

Guiding Moon (Lunar)

Category: Enchantments

The creature is followed at all times by a small glowing moon. It can be 'turned off' when concealment is needed, but otherwise floats harmlessly around them, going through it's own miniature lunar cycle as the days pass.

Optional: The creature may have glowing, moon shaped symbols anywhere on its body.

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