The Tsukimi are a magical species of wolf-like creatures that inhabit the Moon Tehmos of the planet Merithae. They are characterized by their boney, skull-like faceplates that protect their heads from predators and enemies. Their hides are rugged and tough, allowing them to withstand harsh weather and terrain. They can use magic to create aether wings that they can use to fly and glide through the air. They are great hunters and use their keen senses and agility to track and ambush their prey. They are peaceful with other species, preferring to avoid conflict and live in harmony with nature.
The Tsukimi have a rich and complex culture that revolves around the planetary and lunar phases and other cosmology. They worship the stars as their source of life and magic, and they celebrate particular phase combinations with festivals and rituals. They use the aether, the invisible energy that permeates the world, to perform various feats of magic, such as creating wings, altering the environment, healing wounds, and communicating telepathically with other species. They have a strong sense of community and loyalty, living in packs that are led by an alpha.