

Kitsumi are highly intelligent, magically gifted foxes. It's rumored among Ember's xeno-mythologists that it's possible some kitsumi traveled to earth in the past, creating the legends of kitsune we are familiar with today. Kitsumi share some qualities with their mythic cousins, such as a number of tails, their fox-like appearance, and their ability to transform into humanoids. 

On Ember, kitsumi typically live underground, in elaborately sculpted cities carved out of the rock beneath mountains. The largest of these cities is Sancta, which is also home to the Star Academy, a prestiguous magical school. Most Kitsumi are educated there. Kitsumi culture is rooted around learning and discovery, and they are curious to a fault about new types of magic, undiscovered abilities, and interesting relics.

Kitsumi can be born with up to three tails, but more tails grow as they advance and hone their magical abilities. It is believed that Kitsumi store aether in their tails, so as their ability to conserve and concentrate aether increases, more tails grow to accomodate. All kitsumi are born with delicate, gossamer wings, reminiscent of faeries. Unfortunately, these wings are stunted and ornamental, and although often beautiful, do not allow the kitsumi to fly long after childhood.

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