
<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Fire Crystal</a>

Fire Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A chunk of crystallized aether of the fire of the fire element.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Air Crystal</a>

Air Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A chunk of concentrated air aether. A slight breeze can be felt swirling around it.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Cosmic Crystal</a>

Cosmic Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A chunk of concentrated cosmic aether. It is dark as night, and twinkles with starlight.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Dark Crystal</a>

Dark Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A semi-solid chunk of concentrated aether darkness. It shifts between murky hues and smells unpleasant.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Earth Crystal</a>

Earth Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A vibrant chunk of concenrated aether of the earth element. Crystallized sprouts grow slowly from the surface.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Light Crystal</a>

Light Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A concentrated chunk of light aether. It emits a soft glow.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Lunar Crystal</a>

Lunar Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A concenrated chunk of aether of the lunar element. No matter how it is broken up, it retains the shape of a moon phase.

<a href=" Crystal" class="display-item">Water Crystal</a>

Water Crystal

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Gems


A deep blue chunk of concentated water aether. Aether flows and swirls around it but is not wet to the touch.

8 results found.