All Prompts

Write or illustrate the hidden sanctuary where your character retreats to think, dream, or find solace.


Minimum requirements:

  • Sketch with background or 300 words showing your character in their favorite place 


Does your character have a special place they retreat to relax, unwind, or indulge? Maybe it's just a corner of their bedroom, or little clearing they like to stop by when taking a walk. It could be a quiet cafe with delicious cookies, or a shadowy corner of a seedy saloon. Where ever this special place is, please depict it in words or art.


Reward Amount
Gems 1000
Random Design Item 1
Exp 50
Points 50
Nursery Coupon 1


No skill increase.

Draw the unique item your character always wears—a lucky charm, a pendant, or perhaps a mysterious ring.


This prompt is all about your character's favorite or "signature" accessory, something they wear at all times that has a very special importance to them. Please depict your character wearing this item, receiving it, or using it in some way.

Minimum requirements: A half-body sketch of your character and their special accessory.


Reward Amount
Assorted Item 1
Random Design Item 1
Points 50
Exp 25


No skill increase.

Draw your character’s favorite food.


This one is straightforward - draw your character's favorite food! 

Minimum requirements:

  • A colored & lined picture of the food
  • 250 words describing the food


Reward Amount
Crafting Items 1
Exp 50
Points 50


No skill increase.

A place where your character longs to be, whether real or imagined, a vacation destination or desired home, show us this special place.


Depict your character's dream location, whatever or wherever that may be.

Minimum requirements:

  • A colored sketch of the location
  • 300 words describing the location


Reward Amount
Pet 1
Currency 1
Exp 25
Points 50


No skill increase.

Depict a peculiar behavior or ritual your character engages in regularly, whether it's tapping their foot, twirling their hair, or collecting odd trinkets.


What unique trait, habit or behavior does your character possess? Do they always answer questions.. with a question? Maybe they always meow between sentences, or tap a pendant for good luck. Maybe they just can't go to sleep without a certain blanket or they can only cast magic by yelling. Show us what makes your character stand out among the crowd!

  • Minimum requirements:
    • A full-body sketch showing this habit, may have speech bubbles  or multiple panels if needed
    • Or 300 words describing their quirk


Reward Amount
Crafting Items 1
Assorted Item 1
Exp 50
Points 25


No skill increase.

Show a pivotal moment from your character's past—a joyful event, a heart-wrenching loss, or a lesson learned.


Minimum requirements:

  • Full-body colored sketch or
  • 400 words


Reward Amount
Random Design Item 1
Random Enchantment Bottle 1
Exp 50
Points 25
Adoption Ticket 1


No skill increase.

Design a book cover for the novel your character cherishes most—a fictional work or a real-world classic.


Show us the book cover or your character's favorite book. It doesn't have to be a real book at all, and could be a book you have created the idea for that you know your character would enjoy. It could be a fairytale or folk-story, perhaps even a book of poems or historical text. Maybe they love an old almanac - because it reminds them of hot afternoons tending the farm with an older relative. In this prompt, you may choose to design the book cover and title of this book, or you could describe the story briefly in a written submission.

Minimum requirements:

  • A colored book cover showing the title of the book or
  • 400 words describing a little about the book and its story


Reward Amount
Gems 2000
Assorted Item 2
Exp 75
Points 50


No skill increase.

Reveal a skill or hobby your character excels at but rarely shares with others - playing an instrument, cooking, or solving puzzles.


Draw your character doing their hidden talent or using it in some way. 

Minimum requirements:

  • Full-body sketch (with simple background if needed to show skill)  or
  • 400 words describing this special talent and some background if desired


Reward Amount
Random Enchantment Bottle 2
Exp 75
Points 50


No skill increase.

Draw the item they hold dear—a faded letter, a family heirloom, or a relic from their past adventures.


What item does your character value the most? It could be a tattered old scrap of blanket, or a pricessless artifact, show off an item that your character loves above all others.

Minimum requirements:

  • A colored sketch showing your character with the item or
  • 300 words describing the item and/or it's importance


Reward Amount
Crafting Items 1
General Loot 1
Exp 25
Points 50


No skill increase.

Independent study to advance a character's magic proficiency.


Up to 3 characters may be depicted studying a magic proficiency together. This can be any form of magical practice or study - reading books, casting spells, watching a friend, sparring, playing pranks - if your character is using or interacting with magic in some way, it works!

  • Minimum requirements:
    • Artwork - At least 1 character pictured using or interacting with magic in some way
    • Literature - At least 250 words about one character using or interacting with magic in some way

The experience and proficiency rewarded will be based upon the usual criteria for artwork and literature. This prompt also includes a flat bonus of 25 character experience and 75 proficiency.


Reward Amount
Crafting Items 1
Exp 1
Points 1


No skill increase.

A character goes out on an adventure to gain skills and experience, and possible other rewards.


Adventure is a very open ended -prompt where your character may explore the world of Ember or any of the three moons. It is available to novices and seasoned adventurers alike, and is a great way to learn while gaining useful supplies. For this prompt, your character may be sent on an errand, or be compelled to explore a nearby forest or distant land. It's up to you to set the scene!

Minimu Requirements:

  • Flat, Full-color artwork with simple background or
  • 750 words describing the event

Your character's adventure may be continued  over multiple prompts for a small bonus (10% exp & stat bonus). Be sure to indicate in the comments that it is a continuation and provide a link to the previous entry.


Reward Amount
Assorted Item 2
Points 75
Exp 50


No skill increase.


This prompt lets you obtain some breeding items, in the form of a breeding item selector box. This box lets you choose any breeding item or boost. For this activity, please depict your character doing something related to breeding, offspring, etc., for example:

  • Preparing a nest, den, or nursery type area
  • Playing with young creatures
  • Gathering materials
  • Spending time with mate/partner/etc
  • These are just ideas, this prompt is very open ended and you may choose to interpret it however you are comfortable.

Minimum requirements:

  • Up to 3 characters may receive breeding rewards per artwork, characters over this limit will still receive EXP
  • A colored lineart of your character with a simple background
  • 400 written words


Reward Amount
Breeding Item Selector 2


No skill increase.

Gathering focused on finding gems and brilliants.


This prompt is for characters seeking riches! Simply depict your character looking for or finding treasure. Also has a small chance of dropping a few brilliants.

Minimum requirements: A sketch or 300 words.


Reward Amount
General Loot 1
Treasure Box 1
Treasure Box 1


No skill increase.

You go out hunting for new friends and companions.


Egg Hunting is a popular past time on Ember, and is the practice where individuals go trekking through the wilderness looking for eggs and young animals to befriend and domesticate. This activity is gauranteed to award you with a pet, with different chances depending on the area you choose to explore, and has a chance for splice items (changes pet variant) and species MYOs.

Minimum requirements: Any literature of 250 words or more, or any artwork with a simple background depicting your character hunting for treasure




Reward Amount
Demochi 1
Ember Cradle 1


No skill increase.


No further details.


No rewards.


No skill increase.