Site News


Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by admin
The tranquil town of Brindlemark, nestled between the majestic Minetra's Spine mountains and the rolling Golden Plains, is under siege. A newly opened aether gate on Ember has unleashed a horde of gargantuan reptiles, including winged beasts, upon the countryside. These formidable creatures are ravaging the landscape, devouring livestock, igniting forest fires, and even breaching the town's defenses.
MAGE, the Ministry of Aether Gate Exploration, has issued a dire summons to all brave adventurers to restore peace and order in Brindlemark. Assemble your gear and prepare to answer the call! MAGE will soon be forming exploratory teams to venture into the heart of the aether gate, where untold wonders and dangers await.
Will your Ember hero rise to the challenge? Explore the uncharted world beyond the gate, uncover its secrets, and claim your reward: the coveted dragon eggs. The fate of Brindlemark hangs in the balance. Will you heed the call?

Mid-winter updates :)

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by admin

Hope everyone had a nice holidays & new year. Over the past few weeks, I got the redesign of the website done. Please be sure to report any problems on the discord! 

With the Starfall Festival coming to a close, the raffle winners were rolled - kyr & purple! The winners will each get a custom designed & lined aetherial MYO for a tsukimi (kyr) and domestic cat (purple). Congratulations!

Coming in the next week or two will be a new locale in the aether-web, Kaiju Legends, its lore & creatures written and designed by Vallendoria. This planet is modeled on Earth from an alternate timeline, and will come hand in hand with a free random MYO event to get things rolling. Kaiju legends comes with 7 new species based on a variety of megafauna, extinct creatures, and more. Kaiju legends species are template-optional, and with their release will come several new markings & enchantments.

Happy Starfall!

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by admin
the starfall festival is here!

We are starting off December with some exciting developments. First of all is our first major event - The Starfall Festival! This event introduces two daily reward tracks, via the wheel or chance and the Starfall Advent Calendar, which will run now until December 31st. The Calendar has 25 prizes over 31 days, so it's okay to miss some!

Starfall Challenges

The Starfall event also has a CHallenge Reward Track where you can earn stars for doing different prompts & activies. This is a great way to earn gems, stock up on seasonal traits, and get raffle tickets!

Rewards at: 10 points, 20 points, 30 points, 40 points, then every 10 points after that

  • 10 points: Rare Tsukimi MYO, Random Seasonal Design Item, 5000 gems, raffle ticket
  • 20 points: Rare Cat MYO, Random Seasonal Design Item, 10,000 gems, raffle ticket
  • 30 points: Mythic Cat MYO, Random Seasonal Design Item, 15,000 gems, raffle ticket
  • 40 points: Aetherial Cat MYO, Random Seasonal Design Item, 20,000 gems, raffle ticket
  • Every 10 points after: Random Seasonal Design Item, 5000 gems, raffle ticket
Starfall Raffle
  • From now until December 31st, earn raffle tickets by completing starfall challenges
  • Winners will be drawn on January 31st
  • The raffle will have 2 winners, who may choose from the following prizes in the order they are selected:
    • Aetherial Tsukimi MYO Design with Aether WIngs by moonwolf
    • Aetherial Domestic Cat Design with optional Nekushu Transformation by moonwolf
    • You may choose the traits, markings etc for these designs based on the rules of the respective MYO items, however, any seasonal traits may also be selected, which are normally restricted to items. 
other news:
  1. The random tsukimi event is ongoing through December 14! Join us on discord to get yours!
  2. Domestic Cats are here! Uncommon cats are free to make, grab a MYO at the Koi & Kitty.
  3. Some encounters have been adeed. These are fun little random aventurers you can do each day for gems & other rewards.

Prepare to launch!

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by admin

To celebrate the launch of Ember, we are continuing the free random Tsukimi event until at least December 14th. These random tsukimis may have any combination of physical traits and palettes, and 1 to 4 markings and 1 to 3 mutations. To claim your free Tsukimi, create an account here on the Lorekeeper, then join us on Discord in the #random-tsukimi-event channel!

But wait - there’s more! We will also be raffling off 3 aetherial MYOs, which are rare items that allow you to create a tsukimi to your specifications using a set number of markings, mutations, and your choice of traits. To enter the raffle, you need to submit any artwork of a Tsukimi to our Gallery that is half-body lineart or better. Each submission will receive a raffle entry, which will be drawn on December 14th.

Welcome to Ember!!
- Moonwolf

Welcome to Ember!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by admin

There have been some new additions to the site!

  1. Daily Log In Rewards - Check here each day for a little dialy gift. :) I will be adding a link for this to the home tab.
  2. Random Tsukimi Event - This is still ongoing as I develop the site and work out all the small details. I will give at least a 2 week notice for the end date of the event.
    1. To get your random tsukimi, please just message me on discord (magicalmoonwolf).
  3. Breeding - I have opened up breeding by sending all current users of the site 3 New Moon Flowers, the breeding item you need for Tsukimi. You can access the breeding area by going to HOME > BREEDING. You'll be able to pair and create the MYOs for your own Tsukimi's right away, but will need to wait for approval if you pair with someone else's character.
  4. Sexes - I have changed the sex for all existing Tsukimi to "intersex" as this will allow them to breed with any other sex. If you would like this to be changed, please contact me on the discord and I would be happy to change it to your preference (Just let me know the number of your pup).

Just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around to see this ARPG develop! I have not advertised due to working out the basics, but I hope to start working on that by the end of the month so we will have more friends! 

Thank you! - Moonwolf