Activity Prompts

Activity prompts are general prompts that you can complete to get extra crafting materials, money, experience, design items or more. There are several different options for activities, and each one provides an increased rate of dropping a certain item or currency.
  • Adventuring - Boosted character experience & stat gains
  • Exploration - Increased chance of mythic or higher items
  • Gathering - Boosted crafting items & crystals
  • Magical Study - Boosted character experience & stat gains
  • Nest Hunting - Increased chance of finding pets & MYOs
  • Treasure Hunting - Bonus currency rewards, small chance of brilliants
Minimimum Requirements:
All activity prompts have the following minimum artwork or writing requirements:
  • Artwork: Fullbody, color drawing with simple background
  • Writing: 500 words total or 300 per character
Up to 4 characters may appear in a prompt & as long as they meet the fullbody art requirement or 300 word minimum you will receive a loot roll for each character. You will also receive EXP, stat points and currency for the artwork submitted to the prompt. What Do I Draw/write? Below you will find a section for each prompt with some prompt ideas.
You are also always welcome to create your own idea as long as it is within the general spirit of the prompt! 

  • You have decided to investigate an odd tale: eerie wails coming from a deserted mineshaft when darkness falls. How do you plan your visit? What discoveries await you there? Do you need to fight or flee?
  • A local has invested a small fortune in an aether stopwatch, a single-use relic that conjures an aether gate to 24 hours in the past. He wants to traverse the portal to stop him from making a terrible mistake. How do you gear up and journey through the portal? What changes do you make to the past? Are there any lasting repercussions of your adventure?
  • An enigmatic patron has commissioned you to procure a valuable object from a nearby dungeon. Do you bring any reinforcements? Do you stride in boldly, or opt for a more covert tactic? What treasures or traps lie within the dungeon? What becomes of the treasured object?
  • You’ve temporarily allied with the Disciples of Levende as a temporary pilgrimage gaurdian; your duty is to safeguard the pilgrims en route to the closest Yllaeon. Each group has its unique set of pilgrimage customs and rites, and this group has requested you observe their rules and customs while you travel together. What hardships do you face during the journey? Is it challenging to abide by the group’s customs while ensuring their safety? What insights do you gain from the individuals and locales you encounter?
  • Imagine you’ve unexpectedly helped a stranger and in return, you’ve received an aether key. This unique item can activate a dormant aether gate, transporting you to a random world for an hour. Where does this journey take you? Who or what do you meet there? Do you manage to return through the gate within the hour, or do you find an alternative route home?
  • Picture meeting a roving explorer who has a special talent for uncovering hidden aether gates leading to various worlds. He possesses a map marking the locations and destinations of numerous portals. You choose to venture to a world you’ve never visited before. What are your anticipations and experiences there? How do you adjust and ensure your survival?
  • Suppose you’ve been hired as a scout to secretly observe an enemy group on one of Ember’s moons. Your mission is to gather intelligence without being noticed, and if possible, disrupt their camp or operations. How do you conceal your identity and blend in? What secrets about their plans do you uncover? How do you make your escape or reveal them?
  • Yay! You have won a lottery granting you a visit to a secluded and exotic location on one of Ember’s moons. You’re accompanied by a guide and a group of fellow tourists. How do you find the journey - enjoyable or challenging? What sights, activities, and experiences await you? How do you engage with the local inhabitants and your fellow travelers?
  • Envision yourself as a daring explorer with a passion for discovering new and uncharted places. You’ve stumbled upon a new aether gate leading to a strange realm. You decide to step through the passage to explore what lies beyond. How did you come across the gate? What discoveries await you? How do you respond to them?
  • A local town has employed you to solve a problem they’ve been facing. Expected merchants and tradesmen keep vanishing en route to their town, particularly when crossing a road through the nearby Everviolet Forest. How do you initiate your investigation into the problem? What do you find there?
  • You’re a rebel with an obsession for forbidden magic, considered taboo by many. Your knowledge stems from studies of magical texts and scrolls, acquired through questionable routes. Your pursuits remain a secret, hidden from the prying eyes of your family and friends. Where and how do you go about mastering these mystical arts? Perhaps it isn’t you who is doing this, but someone close to you - how would you react when you found out?
  • So far, you have been a completely self-taught mage, relying on your own independent studies and observations to learn as you go. Your unique approach has given your magic its own distinct style and flair. You are constantly pushing the limits of your skills through personal tests and trials. What is your personal methodology for honing your skills? Have you noticed any drawbacks to your methods? What is the next challenge you are planning to undertake?
  • As an artist or musician with a magical touch, your creations transcend the ordinary, capable of conjuring illusions, enchantments and more. A wealthy connoisseur has commissioned you to orchestrate a musical or visual centerpiece that will leave the attendees of a grand soiree in awe. What form will your masterpiece take - a magical mural, a living sculpture, a dynamic soundscape with reality-bending effects? How will your magical abilities augment your artistic creation? Is it a success, or a failure?
  • You’re searching for small animals in the forest - you could be aiming to hunt, observe, or capture them. What’s your strategy for tracking and capturing your quarry? What tools and techniques do you employ?
  • During a hike, you stumble upon a lost pet in the wilderness. How do you approach and gain the trust of the frightened animal? What steps do you take to ensure its safety and return it to its owner?
  • You’ve been asked to help hunt an animal that is causing trouble for the locals. How do you prepare for the hunt? What species are you targeting, and why? Do you capture the animal, scare it off, or something else?
  • While camping, you hear a distressed animal cry in the distance. Upon investigation, you find a domestic pet tangled in some underbrush. How do you free and comfort the animal? What do you do next?
  • You’ve been hired to find the nest of a rare creature with particularly delicious eggs. How do you track down the creature? What method do you use to approach the nest? How do you get the eggs back without breaking them?
  • Many times, you’ve heard the legend of the lost treasure of a local hero who died centuries ago. You always thought it was just a tall tale, until recently, when you discovered a clue that led you to a hidden cavern which you think may contain the treasure. You need to act fast, as others may have also found the clue. How do you prepare for the cavern? Do you come across anyone else looking for the treasure? What do you find there?
  • A traveling merchant sold you a map that he believes may lead to a hidden cache of treasures. He won’t tell you how he came across it, but the price is right, so you decide to investigate. Where does the map lead you? Do you encounter anyone along the way? Were you able to discover any valuables?
  • You meet an alchemist who is obsessed with life-lengthening magic. After pouring over tomes and many experiments, he believes he may have found a promising herb, and he wants you to escort him through a dangerous area to try to acquire some. Where is the herb located? How do you prepare? What trials await you there, and how do you assist the alchemist?
  • After a weeks long sandstorm, the nearby desert dunes have rearranged, revealing long abandoned and buried ruins. Legends told of a wealthy town that was abandoned when the water dried up, and it seems like a promising place to look for treasure. However, such ruins are often home to the undead, hexes, or other dangers. How do you prepare for your journey to the ruins? What do you encounter there? Are you able to find or learn anything of value?
  • Today, you heard that a new temporary aether gate opened nearby, leading to a foreign world rich with gem deposits right on the surface! It seems like a good opportunity, but new worlds always carry the risk of unknown dangers. What is the scenery like on this new, gem encrusted planet? Does any danger await you there; perhaps even other treasure hunters? How do you deal with the trials waiting for you there?
Created: 10 December 2023, 17:52:45 UTC
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 03:19:26 UTC