Winging Ceremony

The winging ceremony is one of the most important and sacred events in the life of a Tsukimi. It is when a pup develops its aether wings for the first time, and becomes a full-fledged member of the pack. The winging ceremony usually occurs when a pup is about one year old, and it is celebrated with great joy and pride by the whole pack.

Pups are excitedly watched during this time by their mother and the pack’s shrine-keeper for signs that winging is imminent. Winging occurs when a pup can channel enough aether to continuously maintain their wings which enables them to fly safely. Signs that they are ready may include extending gliding and achieving other magical milestones, like summoning weather or small terraforming with geomancy. The spirit-keeper also has a range of tests to ensure the pup is ready; it's not unusual that the pup has already flown quite a bit before the winging ceremony actually occurs.

The winging ceremony begins at dusk, when the moons are rising in the sky. The pup is brought to a clearing or a hilltop, where it can see at least one moon clearly. The pup is surrounded by its parents, siblings, and pack members, who offer their support and encouragement. The alpha leads the ceremony with the assistance of the shrine-keeper, invoking the blessing of the moon and the ancestors. The pup then closes its eyes and concentrates on its inner magic, feeling the aether flow through its body. The pup then opens its eyes and spreads its wings, revealing their color and shape. The pack cheers and howls, welcoming the new winged one. The pup then flies into the air, feeling the wind and the freedom of the skies. The pup is joined by its parents and several pack members, who howl and yip and share flying tips and tricks with the young one.

The winging ceremony is followed by a night of celebration and festivities. The pack gathers around a bonfire, where they share food and stories. They sing songs and chant poems, praising the moon and the aether. They dance and play games in the moonlit sky, showing off their skills and talents. They exchange gifts and tokens, expressing their love and gratitude. They also perform rituals and rites, honoring their traditions and customs. The winging ceremony is a time of joy and happiness, as well as a time of growth and learning. It is a time when a pup becomes a full fledged Tsukimi. Note: For the ARPG, a Tsukimi  character must have their aether wings submitted and complete the prompt "Tsukimi - Winging" to unlock breeding.

Created: 15 November 2023, 21:33:52 UTC
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 03:16:58 UTC