Lunar Bonding

The Tsukimi have a very special celebration when they choose their lifelong mates, called the Lunar Bonding. This is a ceremony that takes place on the night of a full moon. Double full moons are an especially auspicious time, and it’s possible for multiple bondings to take place at once.

The Tsukimi who have found their mates gather in a sacred clearing, surrounded by their pack members and friends. They exchange vows of love and loyalty, and present each other with gifts that symbolize their bond. These gifts are usually made of natural materials, such as feathers, stones, flowers, or crystals. They also perform a ritual dance, where they use their aether wings to soar and glide in the moonlight, creating intricate patterns and shapes in the sky. The dance is accompanied by music and chants from the other Tsukimi, who howl and bless the new couples. The Lunar Bonding is a joyous and festive occasion, and it marks the beginning of a lifelong partnership between the Tsukimi mates.

Tsukimi recognize and accept the spectrum of possible relationships and sexual identities. Although pairs of mates are the most common, it’s not impossible for triads or other polyamorous couplings.  

Note: For the ARPG, lunar bonded Tsukimi are permanently linked and will only be able to breed with eachother. As a bonus, they will have 3-5 pups instead of the customary 1-2.

Created: 15 November 2023, 21:35:34 UTC
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 03:22:29 UTC