Tsukimi Background

The Tsukimi are a magical species of wolf-like creatures that inhabit the moon Temos of the planet Ember. They are characterized by their boney, skull-like faceplates that protect their heads from predators and enemies. Their other defining feature is small, flexible projections attached to the bottom of each leg. These protrusions have a row of glowing spots, and allow the Tsukimi to channel aether for flying, which manifests as magical wings. These wings only appear while in use, and vary immensely between each Tsukimi. Their hides are rugged and tough, allowing them to withstand harsh weather and terrain. They are great hunters and use their keen senses and agility to track and ambush their prey. They are peaceful with other species, preferring to avoid conflict and live in harmony with nature, taking no more than they need.

The Tsukimi have a rich and complex culture that revolves around the planetary and lunar phases and other cosmology. They worship the stars as their source of life and magic, and they celebrate particular phase combinations of the other moons with festivals and rituals. They use the aether, the invisible energy that permeates the world, to perform various feats of magic, such as creating wings, altering the environment, healing wounds, and communicating telepathically with other species. They have a strong sense of community and loyalty, living in packs that are led by 2-5 collaborating Tsukimi.

Range & Habitat

The Tsukimi are nomadic by nature, moving from place to place according to the seasons and the availability of resources. This leads to them living in a wide variety of different climates and landscapes. Some of them prefer the mountains, where they can enjoy the cool air and the panoramic views. Others like the forests, where they can find abundant food and shelter. Some even live in the deserts, where they can adapt to the harsh conditions and use their magic to create oases. The movements of the pack are often determined by necessity, but when possible, they may move based on the whims and wishes of the pack members.

They do not build permanent settlements, but rather use natural features or temporary structures to make their camps. They are careful not to disturb or damage the environment, and they leave no trace of their presence. When geomancy is used to alter an area, it is always returned to its natural state upon the pack moving. They have a deep connection with the land, and they can sense its changes and moods. They are always on the lookout for new and interesting places to explore and learn from.

There are a few small, more permanent Tsukimi settlements, that may be prefered to those who did not grow up in the nomadic traditions of the species or others who are poorly suited to such a lifestyle due to their profession, age, health or other matters. Such settlements are viewed pleasantly by the nomadic packs, and may often serve as meeting places for trade, learning, or various social activities with other packs.

Behavior & Socialization

The Tsukimi have a complex and diverse reproduction and family structure. They are sexually dimorphic, meaning that males and females have different physical characteristics. Males are larger and stronger, with more prominent faceplates and horns. Females are smaller and faster, with more delicate faceplates and fur. They are also capable of producing milk to feed their young. The Tsukimi are monogamous, meaning that they mate for life with one partner. They form strong bonds with their mates, and they express their affection through nuzzling, grooming, and cuddling. They also communicate their emotions through their aether wings, which can change color and shape according to their mood.

The Tsukimi have a strong family structure, where each member has a role and a responsibility. The alpha is the leader of the pack, who makes decisions and settles disputes. The beta is the second-in-command, who assists the alpha and takes over in their absence. This may be the alpha’s mate, but that often is not the case. The shrine-keeper is the spiritual guide of the pack, who counsels pack members using otherworldly methods, and leads most rituals and festivities. Depending on the size of the pack, other official roles such as scouts, healers, and den-keepers may be appointed.

The Tsukimi have a high respect for their elders, who are considered wise and experienced. They also have a deep love for their young, who are cherished and nurtured. They celebrate important milestones in their lives, such as births, deaths, mate pairings, and wingings (when a pup develops its aether wings). They also honor their ancestors, who are believed to watch over them from the stars. They have a tradition of carving their names and symbols on stones or trees, as a way of leaving their mark on the world. As one travels through Tehmos, it is easy to find the Tsukimi’s etchings all over.

Reproduction & Early Life

The Tsukimi have a long gestation period of about 12 months, during which the female carries one or two pups in her womb. The pups are born blind and helpless, and they rely on their mother’s milk and protection for the first few weeks of their life. The father also helps in caring for the pups, bringing food and guarding the den. The pups grow quickly, and they open their eyes after a month. They start to walk and explore after two months, and are weaned from their mother’s milk after six months. They start to hunt and learn more advanced tasks from their parents and pack members after their winging, which usually occurs between 10 to 14 months of age. Once they get their aether wings, they are ready to be independent pack members, although they usually have quite a bit of maturing to do, and may not be given very important responsibilities for some time. Tsukimi are usually fully grown after about 5 years old.

Diet & Feeding

Tsukimi hunt in a coordinated and efficient manner, using their magic, stealth, and speed to their advantage. They hunt a variety of prey, depending on the terrain and availability. Some of the common prey animals are moon rabbits, crystal deer, aether birds, and lunar ruminants. Tsukimi hunt in small groups, usually led by the most experienced member of the party. They use their geomancy to blend in with the environment, and their aether wings to fly and chase their prey. They also communicate telepathically with each other, using a language of images and emotions. They can sense the life force and emotions of their prey, and use that to track them down.

Tsukimi share food with the pack in a respectful and generous way. They always bring back the carcass of their kill to the pack’s den, where they divide it equally among the members. They also leave some food for the spirits of the land, as a way of thanking them for their bounty. Tsukimi eat mostly meat and bone, but they also supplement their diet with fruits, nuts, and herbs that they gather from around their camp. They have a keen sense of taste and smell, and they enjoy trying new flavors and spices.

Created: 11 November 2023, 17:51:24 UTC
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 03:16:37 UTC