Tsukimi Anatomy

Tsukimi are large, wolf-like creatures in their overall shape and stature. One defining feature of the Tsukimi are their boney faceplates. These are not removeable and are an integral part of the structure of the tsukimi, much like a turtle's shell. The upper faceplate covers most of the face, wrapping partway around the top and side of the skull. The ears are located behind the faceplate on the top of the skull. The eye sockets of the tsukimi are empty holes. When the tsukimi is awake and alert, the pupil appears as a glowing, concentrated orb of aether. The shape of this orb can change shape slightly when different emotions, and can move freely around the eye socket, but not beyond it. The upper faceplate is also where the tsukimi's horns emerge from, most often above the eyes on either side.

The lower piece of the faceplate covers the jaw. The tsukimi has teeth that suggest a mostly carnivorous diet, with long, sharp teeth for killing prey and tearing at meat.

From birth to adolescence, tsukimi faceplate's are firm but flexible. Injuries to the faceplate during this time usually heal completely and without long lasting defects. Once the faceplate has finished growing, it hardens completely. After that, injuries are rare, as most forces strong enough to crack the tsukimi's faceplate would most likely be fatal. However, if the faceblate or horns are broken, they can take a long time to heal, and even with magical intervention, often leave permanent deformity such as cracks or permanent shortening of the affected horn.

The tsukimi also have a unique organ, even among Ember species, called luminelles. Luminelles are leathery strips of skin that emerge from the back of each leg, just above the "wrist/ankle" area. The luminelles have glowing aether pads along them that allow the tsukimi to channel concentrated aether through them, allowing them to fly and glide. The channeled aether manifests as glowing wings, that could appear as anything from bright acs of fire, to crystalline fans, or angelic wings.

The final luminous area on a tsukimi is their tongues. Although tsukimi are carnivorous, they also ingest large amounts of aether to sustain their unique biology. Their tongues not only allow them to absorb aether through their air and food, but also serve as a keen sensory organ for detecting aether-rich areas.

The luminous areas are always all the same color on an individual tsukimi. It should be a color from the assigned color palette, but the saturation and/or luminosity can be increased for these areas.

Most of a tsukimis body is covered by a thick, rugged hide, with very short, velvety fur. They have a fluffy area of very soft, long fur that may extend from anywhere around the end of the faceplate to the top of the shoulders and upper chest. The tail may be more like hide or fluffy, depending on the tail type.

Created: 24 April 2024, 20:29:35 UTC
Last updated: 24 April 2024, 20:29:35 UTC