The Trilunar City, Sancta

Location: Northern Ember, deep below the mountains, underground
Primary Species: Starcallers
Climate:  Average Underground Temperature 77F, surface temperature can be below freezing in Autumn/WInter

Sancta is the capital and the cultural center of the Starcaller civilization. It is located deep beneath the mountains of the northernmost continent of Ember. It is a marvel of magic and architecture, with expansive underground gardens, graceful arches, mountain-side atria and intricate carvings throughout. Sancta is illuminated by thousands of glowing crystals that create a soft and warm light. Sancta is also home to the largest and most prestigious institutions of magic and learning among the Starcallers. Sancta is a magnificent city that showcases the Starcaller's culture and achievements. It is also a welcoming city that shares its magic and knowledge with others who seek it. Sancta is a city that every Starcaller is proud to call home.

The TRILUNar Library

The most famous of these institutions is the Trilunar Library, which is the oldest and most comprehensive magical library in the world and perhaps beyond the aether gates. The library contains millions of books, scrolls, tablets, and other sources of information on various topics, such as history, geography, biology, astronomy, philosophy, and more. The Trilunar Library also specializes in magic, with sections dedicated to different types, elements and disciplines. The library also has a collection of rare and ancient texts that date back to the first Starcallers and their secrets. All sections of the library are open freely to any Starcallers who wish to study and research. It is also open to visitors from other races and civilizations who have an interest in magic and knowledge, although depending on the research topic, they may require board approval. The library is maintained by a multi-species staff of librarians who are experts in magic, communication, and organization. They also enforce the rules and regulations of the library, such as silence, respect, and care for the books and other materials.

The Luminar Reliquary

Another famous institution in Sancta is the Luminar Reliquary, which is the largest and most diverse collection of magical items, relics, and artifacts in the world. It is a close sister-institution to the Trilunar Library, and was founded millennia ago by a collaboration between the starfaring Luminari and the Starcallers. The Reliquary contains thousands of objects that have magical properties or significance. Some of these objects are created by Starcallers or other races using their skills and crafts. Some of these objects are found or acquired from other places or civilizations during sojourns, exploration or diplomacy. Some of these objects are even gifts or donations from other beings who appreciate or admire the Starcallers, or those who have identified dangerous objects that need safe containment. The Reliquary contains objects that range from simple and useful to complex and powerful. Much like the Trilunar Library, the reliquary is open to magical researchers and other scholars. The Reliquary is guarded by a staff of curators who are experts in magic, relic maintenance, and magical containment.

The Star Academy

A third famous institution in Sancta is the Star Academy, which is the most prestigious school of magic throughout the system. The Star Academy is a place where Starcallers can learn and master various forms of magic under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors. The required curriculum covers both theory and practice of magic, as well as magical ethics and responsibility. The academy also offers courses on other subjects that are related to magic or useful for Starcallers, such as languages, cultures, sciences, arts, and more. The Star Academy also prepares its Starcaller students for the sojourn, which is a special quest that sends a pair of young Starcallers into the world, and sometimes through the aether gates, to search for undiscovered magical spells and relics. The Star Academy is open to all Starcallers who wish to enroll and study. It is also open to students from other races and civilizations who have an exceptional talent or potential for magic. Although the class sizes at the academy are generous, the number of applicants for this rigorous magical academy is very high, and acceptance rates hover between 8-12%. The professors at the Star Academy come from a highly diverse background of magic-users who are the paragons of excellence in their disciplines.

Created: 12 November 2023, 00:48:37 UTC
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 03:23:42 UTC