Levels & Stats

In this ARPG there are character and user levels and stats just for characters. This guide will tell you all about them, and how to earn EXP for them.

User Levels:

User levels are purely cosmetic and just for fun. The goal is for user experience points to be earned in all types of ways that you interact with the ARPG - from participating in events, to doing artwork, and even designing characters. Please note, user levels and rewards are a work in progress. Some ideas we have in place for user level rewards are badges, unlockable backgrounds, user and character frames, and gift boxes.


Character Levels & Stats:

Each character in Gates of Ember can be leveled up from level 1 to level 10. Each level is 100 experience points, which can be earned by completing prompts and doing artwork of your character. Each level will give you a bit of stat points you can put towards the different elemental magic proficiencies that are available. Both your character’s level and magic proficiency provide a boost to inheritance rates when breeding. Level boosts inheritance rates of all markings and enchantments, while magic proficiency specifically boosts enchantments corresponding to that element. The exact amount that these rates are boosted is a hidden value.


How to Earn Experience & Stat Points

On the prompts page, (Under World → Prompts), each prompt has a set amount of base experience and stat points that will be granted. This base experience is only awarded to the primary character attached to the prompt. But that’s okay - the bulk of the experience is calculated based on the artwork or literature you submitted, and that is awarded equally to all characters pictured. You can see the current list of criteria here: Criteria Reward Calculations

You can upload your artwork to the gallery then simply link to it in the prompt! :)

Also - it is possible to get credit for literature and artwork from a single submission, for example, if you drew a picture to go along with your writing, Feel free to submit them together in the gallery! If you would like to submit a type of artwork of writing that is definitely welcome and encouraged, just contact magicalmoonwolf on the discord and I would be happy to add it to the list. 

The criteria rewards are set up in such a way that how much you receive is not based on individual style or skill, but the effort and dedication put into the piece. The levels were also designed to be not too difficult to level-up to, they are there to provide a fun bonus, not to feel like a chore or grind.


Created: 11 November 2023, 02:02:06 UTC
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 03:21:22 UTC