Tsukimi Design & Anatomy

Key Points:
  • The faceplate is a hard, boney area. The horns of a tsukimi always grow from the faceplate.
  • Faceplate, horns, and claws are all the same material, but do not need to match in color.
  • The ears are located behind the faceplate, on top of the head.
  • A tsukimi does not have actual eyes. Their pupil is a concentrated, glowing orb of aether that appears when they are awake and alert.
  • Luminelles are the leathery strips on the tsukimi's legs. They have glowing aether pads on them.
  • The tsukimi's pupil, luminelles, and tongue should all be the same color. The color should be from the palette or pigments being used, but may have increased saturation and/or brightness.
  • Aether wings should be submitted seperately from the main design.

Each species has certain traits that are native to that species. You can use trait changes to change your creature's traits between any of the basic traits listed below, or any of the traits native to either parent. For example, a Faelumi with a Faelumi and Tsukimi parent may use an item to change between any Faelumi or Tsukimi traits in the respectful category. However, the Faelumi must have inherited the trait to change bwteen them, if the Faelumi did not inherit a Faceplate, you can not change between them.

Tsukimi Native Traits
  • Ears:
    • Lupine - Standard
    • Feline - Standard
    • Hyena - Uncommon
    • Lapine - Uncommon
    • Plume - Uncommon
    • Puppy - Uncommon
    • Fennec - Rare
    • Afghan - Rare
    • Lynx - Rare
    • Butterfly - Mythic
    • Dragon - Mythic
  • Faceplates - All Standard
    • There are no longer individual face plate types. You may choose any on on the template or design your own.
  • Fluffy:
    • Tsuki Long - Standard
    • Tsuki Short - Standard
    • Braid - Uncommon
    • Curled - Uncommon
    • Mohawk - Uncommon
    • Scaled - Uncommon
    • Snakes - Rare
    • Windswept - Rare
    • Lion - Rare
    • Silky - Mythic
    • Fluffy - Mythic
    • Minor Werewolf - Aetherial
    • Afghan - Aetherial
    • Wisp - Aetherial
  • Horns:
    • Tsuki - Standard
    • Branching - Uncommon
    • Gnarled - Uncommon
    • Spiral - Uncommon
    • Serrated - Uncommon
    • Curved - Rare
    • Forked - Rare
    • Thorned - Rare
    • Downward Curl - Mythic
    • Spiked Arc - Mythic
    • Crescent - Aetherial
  • Tails:
    • Wolf - Standard
    • Windswept - Uncommon
    • Curled - Uncommon
    • Braid - Uncommon
    • Scaled - Uncommon
    • Short Puff - Uncommon
    • Crescent - Rare
    • Leo - Rare
    • Afghan - Rare
    • Long Tufted - Mythic
    • Plume - Mythic
    • Snake - Aetherial
    • Wisp - Aetherial
Created: 18 April 2024, 04:05:18 UTC
Last updated: 30 July 2024, 21:50:13 UTC