Nekomi Design & Anatomy

Key points:
  • Nekomi may have cat-like or round pupils, the pupil however should always be black.
  • Different colored eyes (heterochromia) is allowed. Nekomi may have any eye/iris color from their palette that is not too close to black or white. They may also have either parent's eye color, even if it is not on their palette.
  • If you are trying to make a nekomi to celebrate your real life kitty, exceptions may be made to allow the design to more closely resemble your friend. Please let moonwolf know if this is the case so we can make it work.

Nekomi are decended from domestic cats, it is thought they came to Ember a few thousand years ago with humans from earth, after which they began to diverge significantly. Ember's aether-rich environment and unique fauna have granted the nekomi some significant adaptations.

Nekomi are somehwat longer and lankier than a typical cat throughout their body. They have long legs, necks, and often tails. Their bodies are usually very lean, light and graceful. About half of nekomi kittens are born with glider-type wings, regardless of whether their parents had them or not. It is suspected that due to their very wide range and diversity of environments and predators, it's somehow beneficial to the species to have a mixture of flying and non-flying individuals. In some cases, wings may help to escape a predator or capture an ellusive prey, while in other enivornments, such as a dense forest, wings could add unnessesary bulk and actually slow down the nekomi.  


Each species has certain traits that are native to that species. You can use trait changes to change your creature's traits between any of the basic traits listed below, or any of the traits native to either parent. For example, a Faelumi with a Faelumi and Tsukimi parent may use an item to change between any Faelumi or Tsukimi traits in the respectful category. However, the Faelumi must have inherited the trait to change bwteen them, if the Faelumi did not inherit a Faceplate, you can not change between them.

Nekomi Native Traits:
  • Ears:
    • Feline - Standard
    • Curled - Uncommon
    • Plume - Uncommon
    • Fuzzy - Rare
    • Fennec - Rare
    • Pointed - Rare
    • Stone - Mythic
    • Butterfly - Mythic
    • Dragon - Mythic
    • Wing - Aetherial
  • Coat Length:
    • Shorthair - Standard
    • Curled - Rare
    • Longhair - Mythic
    • Hairless - Aetherial
  • Wings:
    • Glider - Standard
    • Feathered - Rare
    • Moth - Rare
    • Dragonfly - Mythic
    • Butterfly - Mythic
    • Dragon - Aetherial
  • Tails:
    • Short Puff - Standard
    • Feline - Standard
    • Crescent - Uncommon
    • Ringtail - Rare
    • Afghan - Rare
    • Leo - Rare
    • Plume - Mythic
    • Twin - Mythic
    • Split - Aetherial
Created: 18 April 2024, 04:25:47 UTC
Last updated: 24 April 2024, 20:28:12 UTC